Unser neuer Erlebnis-Intermediate im Test:
Großes Lob für den ION 4
»Mit dem ION 4 ist NOVA ein bemerkenswerter Wurf gelungen.« – So viel Leistung so einfach erfliegbar zu halten, das setze Maßstäbe, resümiert der Lucian Haas.
lu-glidz, Lucian Haas
»I expect it will frustrate many pilots on higher-classed wings with its ability to keep up.«
Flybubble review,
Greg Hamerton»Soon I had tested the groundhandling and was off to get some height and was very impressed with climb rate and performance of the Ion 4 against the other mostly higher rated wings in the air. [...] The Ion 4 will make a lot of pilots happy for differing reasons.«
Flybubble review, Simon Steel
»Tough, fast, comfortable, superb performance for a low aspect ratio glider, good agility and climb. That’s the ION 4. [...] The race for performance will never end, but creating a low aspect ratio, easy to use, B glider that has the edge in overall performance especially accelerated, with an indestructible feel in turbulence is what makes paragliding even more magical.«
Dust of the universe, Ziad Basil
"Wir gratulieren Nova zu diesem gelungenen ION 4. Er gehört in seiner Kategorie ganz klar zu einem der Favoriten und sollte in die engste Auswahl kommen, wenn man sich für einen neuen Schirm interessiert."