Every NOVA paraglider comes with a big package of extra services and guarantees. When you buy the wing you get more than just the product1.

Registration & query
Please register your wing by using this link:
The registration of a new wing is necessary to get extended guarantees and warranties. More about this in our guarantee conditions.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask our service staff!
Our services
During the initial flights the lines are subjected to real loads for the first time. This leads to stretching and shrinking - regardless of which line material is used. During NOVA Trim Tuning² our software analyses how out of trim the glider has become and then calculates the required correction values. Trim Tuning aids safety and increases your flying fun.
The NOVA Full Service is more than just a check. Just like the Trim Tuning, we analyse the line lengths and ensure that the wing is restored to the optimal profile alignment across the whole of the span. Additionally we give the wing a full health check. Our NOVA Full Service gives you confidence in your wing.
If your wing has undergone NOVA Trim Tuning, the date to the next check is extended from two years to three years. The two-year check becomes a three-year check. This allows you to have an extra year of carefree flying. Please note the maximum permitted flying hours in the manual.
As standard, NOVA provides a three year, rather than a two year, guarantee on its paragliders. If your wing has undergone NOVA Trim Tuning and a NOVA Full Service, then we will extend the guarantee for a further year to four years. You get a good feeling flying a NOVA wing.
If you register your wing at myNOVA, it is added to our Quality Assurance Database. In the database - accessed through myNOVA - you can download all the key data about your wing. The database will also assist the person servicing your glider by getting information about your glider at the click of a button. Your glider will be more comprehensively checked.
1 The guarantee and service provision is limited, subject to conditions and not offered to the same extent in all countries. Detailed information is available in our guarantee conditions.
2 This service is included in the purchase price in selected countries. Please contact your dealer for more information.