30 tips for successful cross-country flying
#5: Think positive!

These days mental training is an integral part of top level sports. So why not use some of these techniques for crosscoun try flying? Anyone who has had a low save during a long XC flight will know from personal experience how euphoric this makes you feel. If you look at this objectively, you actually lost time which has cost you valuable kilometres. But subjectively, you avoided going down, you’re still in the game and you are as excited as a little kid. A great feeling!
Mental training can have a similar effect on athletes.

The aim is to visualise (partial) successes, movement sequences, breathing techniques, constructive approach es and increase motivation as well as to reduce any fears and stumblingblocks. Especially when it gets stressful, this really pays off! Mental training can also help you to work through negative experiences like a parachute deployment or a crash. It’s worth a try – imagine yourself landing after successfully closing a 200 km FAI triangle. Before the next take off, think back to a particularly nice flight and praise yourself for small partial successes while you are in the air.