30 tips for successful cross-country flying
#16: Split big goals into attainable targets
Success motivates, apparently. But you don’t have to win a championship title to get some positive energy. As you prepare for your “personal best” goals, you can set small or more spontaneous daily goals. For example, to be one of the top 3 pilots who launched from the same place that day. To fly all the way round a nearby lake. To be the last person to land on a particular day. To try to be the highest pilot for two hours at your local site. Set yourself a mini out-and-return task of maybe five kilometres and try to fly it as many times as possible or as fast as possible. Also really motivating: to fly home and land in your own garden.
It could also mean setting and reaching intermediate goals on a long triangle flight: first turn point? Absolutely! Well flown and that turn point in the bag. Praise yourself for small successes – you have earned it! If you divide a big goal, which at first glance seems almost unattainable, into smaller individual goals, these become more attainable in themselves. And in the end, you achieve the big goal!