Two-liner | cells: 65 | aspect ratio: 6.1 | weight: from 3.3 kg – Size XXS (EN C/LTF D)

VORTEX– Ultralight Efficiency

The VORTEX is the lightweight champion in the EN-C 2-liner class. It excels in everything that defines efficient XC flying: high performance combined with minimal pilot workload.

Performance meets simplicity. The handling is optimized for efficient climbing, while the low mass of the wing is a noticeable advantage. The result is a glider that effortlessly takes advantage of even the slightest lift with flat turns and minimal sink rate, while also centering easily in tight and strong thermals.

Efficient B-Control. The B-control system is the most direct NOVA has ever achieved. Even small inputs of a few millimeters allow precise directional adjustments. Pitch control is highly effective, and the pressure on the rear risers enables you to rest your arms on long glides without slowing the glider down.

The uncomplicated companion. The VORTEX was designed not only for high real-world performance but also for practical usability. From easy launch characteristics to packing convenience, every detail was considered. Nitinol rods at the leading edge are more resistant to bending, allowing the glider to be packed smaller. The VORTEX comes standard with the Concertina Bag Light, but you can also use a regular inner bag. With its ultralight construction, the VORTEX weighs just 3.3 kg in size XXS (60-85 kg take-off weight), making it one of the lightest in its class.

Please note: due to the two-liner design of the VORTEX, the B3 stall is an effective descent technique, but classic big ears also work perfectly. More on this in the FAQ.

Efficient right down to the risers. The risers of the VORTEX are very manageable and are made of 7 mm wide, Kevlar-reinforced webbing.
The Height-Adjustable B-Handles (HAB-Handles) are known from the XENON: They are made of carbon and can be height-adjusted to five levels. This allows you to optimally adjust the position of the handles to your size and harness geometry. The individual adjustment of the B-handles enables more effective glider control in accelerated flight.

Target group

The VORTEX (EN C/LTF D) is aimed at XC pilots with a passion for hike-and-fly who want to experience the extraordinary performance and high safety of an EN-C two-liner. Pilots with significant experience in the high-B segment, such as those comfortable with the MENTOR 7, will quickly adapt to the VORTEX. It is an accessible and easy-to-handle 2-liner glider.

Quote from...

...NOVA CEO & test pilot Ferdinand Vogel:

"The perfect wing to get into 2-liner flying! Its low aspect ratio provides plenty of passive safety without compromising the flying experience – just the way you want it. Even in stall maneuvers, it behaves as forgivingly as a 3-liner. For me, that means relaxed flying, more confidence in accelerated flight, and simply staying on bar longer. Everything you need for longer distances. And the best part? It’s one of the lightest in its class – perfect for hike-and-fly adventures!"

At the beginning of March, Ferdi managed an extraordinary flight in Bassano: he completed a flat triangle over 169 kilometres - the longest distance ever flown from there at this time of year (2025).

...NOVA Team Pilot Łukasz Siemiński:

"My first XC flight with the Vortex – NOVA’s new ultralight XC machine! Effortless handling and noticeably more efficient in weak thermals compared to the Codex. A fantastic wing for pilots looking to step into the world of 2-liners in the C category."

He was one of the first pilots to fly the VORTEX in strong thermals while searching for records in Kenya, further highlighting its exceptional performance in challenging conditions. On his first flight, he flew 259 kilometers – just two days after setting the Kenya record with the CODEX.

Dati tecnici

Numer cassoni 65
Apertura alare proiettata 8,86 9,32 9,88 10,11
Superficie proiettata 16,99 18,77 20,22 22,08
Allungamento proiettato 4,72
Apertura alare reale 11,04 11,61 12,22 12,59
Superficie reale 19,99 22,09 23,78 25,99
Allungamento reale 6,10
Distanza pilota – calotta 6,92 7,27 7,66 7,89
Profondità massima del profilo 2,25 2,37 2,46 2,57
Peso 3,30 3,50 3,75 3,95
Gamma di peso certificata 60-85 70-95 80-105 90-115
Gamma di peso raccomandata in volo 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110
Certification EN C / LTF D






Scope of delivery


The VORTEX is a similar development to the CODEX, with the biggest difference being the B-handle control. The VORTEX offers a more direct and firm feel, providing better support for long flights. You can comfortably rest your arms on the B-handles without reducing speed or performance.

On most paragliders, accelerating while pulling the B-handles increases the angle of attack at the wingtips, which reduces performance. The CODEX is unique in that you can pull the B-handles with minimal pressure and no performance loss. In contrast, the VORTEX provides more precise feedback—you feel the wingtips more directly, and small steering inputs result in significant heading changes.

New pilots transitioning to two-liners often prefer lower B-handle pressure, while experienced pilots tend to appreciate a bit more resistance, similar to CCC gliders. The VORTEX strikes a balance, offering easy handling with moderate B-handle pressure.

Another key difference: the VORTEX does not have a stabilo line running down to the riser. This improves roll stability and reduces drag.

Both the CODEX and VORTEX are lightweight, but if you're looking for the lightest two-liner—go for the VORTEX!

The EN-C certification and pilot requirements remain unchanged.

Yes, you can!

All required certification collapses were initiated using folding lines. These lines add an extra level in front of the A-risers and are not under tension during flight. They are only pulled down when initiating a collapse, similar to how A-risers are used on traditional paragliders.

Folding lines are necessary for inducing collapses on most two-liners. This is especially true for frontal collapses, as pulling the A-lines often just accelerates the glider instead of causing a collapse. However, aside from certification testing and safety training (where folding line collapses are generally safer than real collapses), these lines serve no purpose.

The VORTEX does not have attachment loops for folding lines. Instead, we recommend alternative maneuvers for SIV training. For example:

  • Deep stalls can lead to cravats, allowing you to practice handling them.
  • Dynamic pitch recovery creates opportunities for collapses.
  • Pitch maneuvers without stopping the glider in front can trigger frontal collapses.
  • At full speed, a quick brake input can induce side or frontal collapses.

There’s plenty to learn - even without folding lines!

La vela a due linee ha il vantaggio di una minore resistenza dei cordini. Ancora più importante è il cosiddetto controllo B, che è particolarmente importante nel volo accelerato. Permette di cambiare molto direttamente l'angolo d’incidenza della vela e di compensare così le turbolenze. In definitiva, questo permette di volare più velocemente attraverso l'aria turbolenta di quanto sarebbe possibile con una vela a tre linee

Il controllo B avviene per mezzo delle maniglie B regolabili in altezza (HAB-Handles). In alternativa al controllo attraverso i freni, questo permette il controllo della direzione nel volo accelerato senza deformare il profilo riducendo le prestazioni.

Per iniziare lo stallo B3 bisogna tirare verso il basso entrambi i lati della linea B3. Se non si riesce a raggiungere la linea B3, si può prendere la carrucola (nera) e tirarla verso il basso. Trazionare progressivament fino a quando le ali esterne si piegano nettamente all'indietro e il tasso di caduta aumenta in modo significativo. Il CODEX rimane stabile in questa condizione di volo fino a quando la linea B3 non viene nuovamente rilasciata. In tutti i nostri voli di prova questa manovra si è dimostrata acritica e semplice. Come per le orecchie, consigliamo di accelerare almeno del 25%.

L'altezza delle maniglie in carbonio sulle bretelle può essere regolata in più fasi. Ciò consente di regolare in modo ergonomico la lunghezza della parte superiore del braccio e la geometria dell'imbrago. A tale scopo, rimuovere entrambi i tappi del tubo in carbonio, allentare il collegamento a vite con un dado esagonale, posizionare le maniglie HAB all'altezza desiderata, chiudere il collegamento a vite e reinserire i tappi.

Check-In / Test Flight

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