Three-liner | Cells: 51 | Aspect ratio: 5.17 | Weight: from 3.4 kg - size XXXS (EN/LTF B)

ION 7 Light - Lightweight versatility

From hike & fly, XC to freestyle fun - everything is possible with the ION 7 Light (EN/LTF B). The reason for this great versatility, combined with outstanding safety, is NOVA's new design software and smart lightweight construction.

An excellent all-rounder. The ION 7 was developed using NOVA’s new design software, which was already successfully utilised for the creation of the XENON and the MENTOR 7 (Light). The result is a top-notch all-rounder that covers all aspects of paragliding with ease. Be it small packing volume, easy launch, efficient cross-country flying, dynamic flight manoeuvres or an elegant flare on landing.

Innovative details. Choosing the right cloth is only one aspect when it comes to lightweight paragliders. The ION 7 Light uses tried and tested materials as well as a clever construction. Our new Rod Loops mean fewer seams and additionally support the inflow of air (Air Scoop). With the Mid Cell Links the stability of the leading edge is further optimised - which benefits performance especially in accelerated flight, without adding more weight.

As safe as never before. The latest version of our design software can even simulate flight manoeuvres such as collapses very accurately. In this way, we have achieved an unprecedented combination of stability and benign collapse behaviour in the ION 7. Even in accelerated flight, the reactions to collapses are extraordinarily gentle. The flight characteristics of the ION 7 also make it possible to try out the initial SIV manoeuvres without stress.

XC on top form. In terms of design, the ION 7 (Light) is based on the XC wing MENTOR 7 (Light). The flight feeling is characterised by very high stability with exceptional top speed, which is usually found in high-end EN B gliders. In addition, it has very good glide performance, an easy to operate speed-bar and a thermalling feeling of "it takes all in its stride". Descent manoeuvres such as big ears, B-line stall and spiral dive are also simple to perform. What more could one want to go cross-country flying safely and comfortably?

Fun with freestyle. Thanks to its direct handling and high stability, the ION 7 makes it easy to get started with acro manoeuvres. The SAT can be flown cleanly; wingovers are agile. Stalls are easy to perform, and helicopters work well. The brake travel to the stall point is very long, making an unintentional stall extremely unlikely. With the ION 7, you can safely enter the world of acro and hone your skills.

Pilot target group

The ION 7 Light (EN/LTF B) is suitable for enthusiastic beginners as well as advanced pilots who value the versatility of their paraglider. Cross-country, hike & fly and acro - anything is possible without sacrificing comfort and safety.

Intelligent lightweight

NOVA’s intelligent lightweight gliders are developed according to the motto "as light as possible, but as stable as necessary". This means the canopy is made from cloths that offer a combination of long durability and consistent profile shape (= performance) with low weight. This also applies to the actual construction of the glider. When it comes to handling, we make no concessions. The ION 7 Light features: Sturdy 12 mm narrow Kevlar risers. Maillons for easier re-trimming. Sheathed main lines for easier sorting.

NOVA’s smart lightweight paragliders are light, fully suitable for everyday use AND durable. You can recognise them by the "Light" suffix in the paraglider name and they come with the comprehensive NOVA guarantee.

New Features

Optimised collapse behaviour. The ION 7 exhibits unprecedented gentleness when it comes to collapses. During asymmetric collapses, the glider turns only minimally, and there is little loss of height. We have achieved these properties through simulations in our new design software, which offers us new possibilities in development. This means we not only select the virtual prototypes with the highest performance, but also those with the best collapse behaviour from a large number of simulations. The result is the stable and safe flying feeling of the ION 7.

Performance through stability. If you look at the leading edge of the ION 7, you will notice the new Rod Loops and Mid Cell Links. The former save on seams and assist the Air Scoop, while the latter ensure a solid leading edge, especially in accelerated flight, and also serve to optimise internal pressure. Both are smart solutions that deliver performance.

Standard riser or XC Riser. The ION 7 / ION 7 Light is supplied as standard with a 12 mm narrow and sturdy Kevlar riser. In addition, the riser features Ronstan pulleys for less effort when pushing the speed-bar and Fidlock magnets for uncomplicated fixing of the brake handles. Pilots who want to fly even more efficiently with the speed-bar can optionally purchase the ION 7 XC Riser. This requires greater care during launch preparations, but allows for improved pitch control.

Quote from...

… Philipp Medicus, Head of R&D at NOVA:

"My search space for optimisation has been increased thanks to our new design software. Now I can find solutions in the design that were previously outside the realm of possibility. For the ION 7 this means that a very high level was already achieved before we had the first prototype sewn to begin the practical tests."

Review Ziad Bassil

Ziad Bassil flew the ION 7 Light XS in various conditions - from strong turbulent air to nice well formed thermals. His conclusion:

"I could describe the Ion 7 as a sweet playful machine able to core any thermal without too much complicated attitude." 

Read more about his impressions and the interesting comparison to a C-twoliner on his blog Dust of the Universe.

Thank you, Ziad, for the review.

Weight comparison ION 7 vs. ION 7 Light


Best Flights

Tehnični podatki



Število celic    


Projeciran razpon m 8,0 8,4 8,8 9,3 9,7 10,1
Projecirana površina 16,5 18,30 20,20 22,20 24,30 26,30
Projecirana vitkost   3,86
Razpon m 10,0 10,50 11,00 11,60 12,10 12,60
Površina 19,30 21,40 23,60 26,00 28,40 30,80
Vitkost   5,17
Dolžina vrvic m 5,99 6,31 6,63 6,96 7,27 7,57
Skupna dolžina vrvic m 187 198 209 220 230 240
Max. globina m 2,40 2,60 2,70 2,80 3,00 3,10
Teža kg 3,40 3,60 3,80 4,10 4,30 4,60
Certificiran razpon teže kg 55-75 55-85 70-95 80-105 90-115 100-130
Priporočena vzletna teža kg 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-125
Certification (EN/LTF)   B





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Zahvaljujoč NOVINI novi programski opremi, ION 7 (Light) ponuja izboljšane zmogljivosti in stabilnost padala ter bolj neposreden “handling” v primerjavi s svojim predhodnikom. Prednosti se kažejo tudi na področju najvišje hitrosti padala ter pri njegovem obnašanju ob zapiranjih.

Osnovna razlika je v teži, ker smo pri IONu 7 Light uporabili lažjo tkanino v skladu z našim motom: »Inteligentno lahko padalo«. Ti materiali ponujajo tako dolgo vzdržljivost kot tudi boljšo obliko in nenazadnje, manjšo velikost pakiranja padala.  ION 7 Light je odličen za hike & fly. Dobro je vedeti: "Light"  verzija ali ne – zagotavljamo vam enako NOVA garancijo za oba modela IONa 7.

Za nakup XC nosilnih trakov vas prosimo, da se obrnete na svojega lokalnega NOVA prodajalca ali pa na našo ekipo za pomoč strankam (E-mail: Mogoče lahko zamenjavo nosilnih trakov izvedete skupaj z našim "NOVA Trim Tuning" ali z naslednjim tehničnim pregledom padala.

ION 7 (Light) je certificiran v EN/LTF B varnostnem razredu in je zato z njim dovoljeno poučevanje novih pilotov v državah, kjer dovolijo šolanje z EN B padali. Kakorkoli, v NOVINEM razponu se nahaja pod vrhunskim MENTORjem in ima velike varnostne rezerve. Zaradi navedenega je idealen za individualno napredovanje pilota po opravljenem osnovnem usposabljanju.

Da – ker se je z IONom 7 (Light) mogoče naučiti izvajanja vseh običajnih manevrov in tehnih hitrega spuščanja v udobni varnosti EN B varnostnega razreda. Z našo novo programsko opremo lahko natančno napovemo obnašanje IONa 7 (Light) pri zapiranjih, kar je zelo dobrodošlo. Z IONom 7 (Light) imate idealno pradalo za trening izrednih situacij.

Zahvaljujoč novi NOVINI programski opremi lahko s pomočjo simulacij intenzivno testiramo obnašanje padala na računalniku in to še preden se sešije prvi prototip. To posledično pomeni, da imamo veliko več možnosti oblikovanja in kombinacij. Na ta način lahko natančno identificiramo »sladke točke« in začnemo praktično testiranje že z zelo izpopolnjenim prototipom.

Najboljši način za zlaganje IONa 7 (Light) je s pomočjo uporabe vreče za zlaganje in vrečke za nosilne trakove – obe vrečki sta priloženi padalu. V priročniku boste našli tudi navodila za zlaganje padala  »korak po koraku«. Druga možnost pa je, da uporabite druge naše vreče za zlaganje, kot so: Concertina Bag Light, Compression Bag or Fast Packing Bag.

Prostor brez večjih temperaturnih nihanj in brez direktnega sonca je najboljši. Hranite svoje padalo na rahlo zloženo v vreči za padalo, če je to le mogoče. Prosimo vas, da se izognete daljši hrambi padala v zelo stisnjeni obliki (npr. v  Concertina Bag Light ali kompresijski vreči (Compression Bag)). Več informacij o sami hrambi padala lahko najdete v priročniku.

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